Riddle Submission Guidelines


This field is not required, but if you wish for your submitted riddle to be attributed to you, please provide some kind of name or alias.


An email address is required, but it will only be used to send you a confirmation email in the event that your riddle is added to the community page. It won’t be shared with other parties or added to a mailing list.


If you’re a writer too and would like to be attributed with a link to your work online, I’m very happy to add that in! Please be aware, however, that links to websites featuring NSFW content will not be included.

Riddle Author

Feel free to share a favourite riddle of yours written by another author! I particularly love Tolkien’s riddles myself. Just remember to let me know who the author is so I can credit the riddle to them.


This page is for Tolkien-esque riddles. Joke riddles (What do you get when you cross a dalmatian with a lamppost?), although great for joke books, won’t be featured here.

Additional Notes

Please indicate whether you want your submission to be attributed to you. Unless informed otherwise, I will use the name provided.